Be the best in your fields, just delegate the bureaucracy to someone else better in that.

Business planning
Our specialists will assist you in business planning, budgeting and creating a financial policy of your company or an innovative idea. Our financial analysts and advisors can advise you in the process of drawing up a fiscal or financial recovery policy. This way you will have an extra pair of eyes to protect your back from unpleasant and unplanned situations.

Start-UP registration

Business technologies
In the development of a business, there comes a time when it is necessary to create new processes or optimize and automate old processes. There is also a need to create IT or software tools to support and optimize the work of the organization. In the process of orientation and search for the right business technology, you can count on us.
Do you know
Bulgarian institutions and who is responsible for what? Към коя институция подлежи на отчет или лицензия вашата дейност?
Do you know the Bulgarian regulations in trade laws ?
How you can win from taxes?
What is you capital management experience?
The accountancy law and tax regulation should be very important for your business?
When you should apply your yearly tax declaration.
What king of internal regulation and organisation you need to make sure that you are compliant to all Bulgarian regulators.
Be sensible and proactive! Focus on the most important thing - your business model, products and services, and do not waste time with boring business processes and everyday life. Leave them in the hands of professionals for who you know that they have a lot of experience and will protect and help you before you have to react. Put wings to your business with the right partners!
"Owning a business is the path to financial independence or freedom." Is that so ?
Many people believe that their own business is the solution that will lead them to wealth or financial independence and prosperity or luck and similar solutions. Unfortunately, this way of thinking leads the endeavors of 99% of these people to failure and bitter life experiences. Finances don't really matter what they're made of, they matter how they are managed, and if we can't keep them as employees, it's wrong to think we could keep them as entrepreneurs, businessmen, and the like.Above all, we need to be realistic and realize that finances are a resource / means that are managed in order to achieve real results. Before starting a business, we advise you to first check your financial management skills and your current household, because the responsibility and consequences of poor business management would be much more severe in case of poor management of your own business. We first lay the initial foundation of personal finances and then support and advise you in the process of building your business, because then you will be much more confident and much more successful. We recommend that you ask yourself a few personal questions for your personal finances before you decide to do business.
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